28 Oct Easy Way To Merge Files In Windows XP
Let’s say you have ten .csv files you want to merge into one. Instead of opening Microsoft Excel and cutting/pasting the data there’s a much easier route to take.
First, for simplicity copy the files you want merged into a new folder. Call it “merge” if you will, then, click “start”->”run” and enter “cmd”. At the command prompt navigate to your just created folder/directory via “cd”. Next step is to type in “copy *.csv merged.csv”. This command will copy all files that end in “.csv” into the file “merged.csv”. Now you can go back into XP and open the file in Excel or any other file processing program and you should see that your file has been merged.
One thing, the files get merged in order of filename. So file “a.csv” data would be followed by “b.csv” data in the final merged document so rename your file names to get the order if you need to.
I’ve only tried this with text and csv files, but it should work with .doc (Microsoft Word) and other data formats.
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